Sunday 31 July 2016

Life hacks which are useful for lifetime

1.People sitting on hard chairs were more uncompromising in the negotiations . so never use such chairs.

 2 .Hug someone If you want to built trust, when we hug chemical that the brain release is the hormone oxytocin. oxytocin, hormone recognized for its role in social attachment and facilitations of social interactions, is also important in the formation of trust. 

3. Roll your clothes when packing. Instead of creating a folded pile in your suitcase, rolling allows you to fit more things in. 

4. chocolate is best gift for partner  . It have some chemical  promote feelings of attraction, excitement, and giddiness

5. Inhale through your mouth, swallow your saliva twice and exhale through nose for a 100% hiccup cure.

4. Touch arms or shoulder for a few seconds of someone If Trying to get approval & according to studies Your chances of getting yes will increase.

5. If you want to look attractive in a party wear red clothes. It has been proven that red is something we do notice and admire most , because red have largest wavelength than others.

6. If you want to get rid of nausea .Press between the two tendons on the inside of your wrist, about three finger breadths below the base of your palm . 

​7.  Clear a stuffed nose or relieve sinus pressure by pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth then pressing a finger between your eyebrows.
 This causes the vomer bone to rock, which loosens your congestion and clears you up. After 20 seconds, you’ll feel your sinuses start to drain.

9. Nervous? Slow your heart rate down by blowing on your thumb..Since the thumb has a pulse of its own, if you can calm it down, you’re effectively calming the heart down, too.

10. Sleep on left side if eat fully .Studies have shown that patients who sleep on their left sides are less likely to suffer from acid reflux. 

11. Next time the doctor’s going to give you an injection, cough as the needle is going in.
 .You willn't feel pain of injection.

12. If you have trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone, use your right ear
Right ear is better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones.

13.  If you’ve got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear.
 When the nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch.

.14. Always drink a glass of water before eating.
 .It’s easy to confuse hunger with thirst. Staying hydrated before a meal can prevent you from overeating.

15. taking several short breaths in quick succession,then a deep breath and hold breath. In this way you can hold breath for longer time than normal.

16. If you want to get likes for your speech / debate make audience sit in armchairs. armchairs help audience to not cross their arms(closed body language close mind) which makes them listen to you more and have more positive rresponse.

17. If you are nervous before a interview expand your legs and hands for 2 min. It will boost your confidence.

18. If you are having problem which you can't solve. Study problem before sleep. You may solve that problems in your dreams.

19. Reward someone like your child if he do something good it will make him do that more .

20. If you want to get like from someone then ask them for a small help which they can do. The person will feel "as he help you, he must like you". This method is effective than doing someone help.

21. Say simple words in presentation/speech not hard words.People get your point quickly and think you are smart.

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