Sunday 25 September 2016

How to figure out if someone is secretly wealthy

I'll let you in on a little secret - money is like sex: the more of it you have, the less likely you are to obsess about it. Which is why many really wealthy people don't live conspicuous lifestyles. It's why the most popular car among millionaires is a pickup truck and not Mercedes/BMW/etc. For every insecure egomaniac living the lifestyle of the rich and shameless, there are a dozen living quietly - or what the late Thomas Stanley called “The millionaire next door
The quiet millionaires typically live a slightly upper middle class lifestyle. They have nice homes, but not mansions. They are more likely to drive Hondas, Subarus, Volvos, Jeep Grand Cherokees, or a Ford F150. They shop at Costco, and Target. They have nice clothes, but usually avoid “designer” brands, gaudy jewelry, and other outward displays of conspicuous consumption.
So how do you tell them apart?
  • They tend to be foodies: Many of the quietly wealthy I know have amazing kitchens and like to cook, as well as go out to restaurants known for their chefs. They know their way around a 5 star menu. Wine collections are common, with 25 or 30 really great wines as well as the occasional “two buck chuck” or $12 bottle of wine. Look for top notch cookware and appliances.
  • They read: The average American watches 4 hours of TV a day. The average millionaire spends that much time reading each day. Not one wealthy person I know can tell you who got voted off whatever island the night before. But they can probably tell you what's on the New York Times bestseller list that week.
  • They value unique experiences: Everybody takes a vacation. The secretly wealthy are often well traveled without being “touristy”. They've visited at least 5 other countries, and like the more out of the way places - Iceland, Peru, New Zealand, Patagonia. A trip to Antarctica is a dead giveaway.
  • They lack “stuff”: The one odd paradox I've noticed about the wealthy is that the more money they have, the less cluttered their life is. Their homes are not filled with useless knickknacks. They can actually park their cars in the garage. Their homes are often downright minimalist. Look for unique and original pieces of art (not necessarily something we'll know or something very expensive)
  • They are health conscious: A wealthy friend once told me that “Your appearance is a reflection of the respect you have for yourself”. Nearly every wealthy acquaintance I have is a fitness nut. Daily yoga, running, cycling, swimming, marathons, home gym equipment, etc. A quietly wealthy friend of mine has a $10,000 gym in his basement. If you're wealthy and happy, you tend to want to live a long healthy life so you can enjoy it all.
  • They support the Arts: I always seem to run into the same people at the local museums, operas, classical music concerts, art walks, charity events, and botanical gardens. They are frequently members of the respective institutions and cherish the members only events.
It's always hard to generalize on a large group of people, but I think that would cover 2/3rds of the quietly wealthy people I know. For every category listed above, I know several exceptions and I'm sure others do as well.
In the end, they are secretly wealthy for a reason - wealth doesn't define them and they would rather not have others define them by it either. Life is easier as a quiet millionaire. Once people find out you're rich, they treat you differently and constantly judge you. If you spend money, you're accused of showing off; live frugally and you're a cheapskate. Weddings, birthdays, and Christmas are a nightmare because everyone expects some over the top gift. Overspend on one relative, and the rest will expect more. You also start to wonder how many of your “friends” are real. After a while, the only people you trust are other wealthy people.
If you suspect someone is secretly wealthy, just leave them be. If they really trust you, they'll tell you eventually. Maybe.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Things to learn before starting a startup

1) Not being good at what your passion is : 

    Lot of people advice young entrepreneurs to just follow your passion.But its an incomplete piece of advice. It is very important that we should be very good at what our passion is.
   Secondly, your passion should intercept with the market . It is very important that your skills should be sell-able. 

So one should understand  that business and hobby parameters are different.

2) Lack of Customer analysis : 

It is important to  know our customers well before serving them. 

It is very important to understand our customer needs. Needs that are never served by others should also be focused.Also remember time change people change, needs change. 
             Keep changing keep upgrading and then think of scaling it . 

3) Lack of faith in Serendipity

As the word itself indicates ” invention out of discovering something else”. 
We should look in the past that some of the best inventions came out of discovering something other. So while we are in the process of making our business venture we should not underestimate the ideas that come in our mind. It is highly improbable to say that which idea has good probability of gaining you success. You should analyse each idea properly. 

         Fuel to entrepreneurial spirit = Faith .  

4) Lack of self awareness in leaders. 

It is very important to analyse yourself first. Self awareness is a must. Each person has some or the other good quality in himself, no person is incapable of gaining impossible heights he has decided to get. If you have something good in yourself, figure it out and amplify the value. 

Become professional in something in what you are good at !! :

5) Lack of  Commit 

Well, guys commitment is foundation that leads to create big enterprise. Any enterprise that lacks commitment is perishable. 

One  can’t be just involved , one should be committed to the idea.

6)Lack of Stamina  to keep the race going.

It is very important to have good stamina to win the race. Stamina here meansstrong mental preparation to achieve. Most of people get emotionally unstable due to factors prevailing from family and socially demoralizing people eventually ending up ourselves. 
So a strong emotional intelligence is key factor in maintaining the spirit. 

7) Lack of "Don’t Give up" attitude . 

Take your time. Understand ups and downs well. Don’t give up on minor failures. They teach great lessons. No matter what it takes you through. No matter how worse the situation becomes justDON’T GIVE UP.

8) Money motives - sick people have this in mind. 

 Most of young starters think after graduation its good to end up living a job. Doing job is not bad thing, also one can live happy life doing a single job too. One can get good salary from his job and also one can make good saving too. But in order to accumulate wealth one has to be entrepreneur first.

At the start it would be much impatient of us to expect high income, luxuries cars, air conditioned office. But slowly you can get it. 
Remain patient with money.You will get it both ways.

9) Most of they fail to enjoy the ride  

It is very important to enjoy what you are doing. Success is not a destination its a process. We are meant to happy , be happy. Learn, explore, enjoy giving others, share. Its a powerful process of energizing and recharging yourself.

10) Lack of gratitude 

Be thankful to everyone you meet in your life everyone is responsible for your growth.

Some of the websites/apps to enhance productivity and skillsets

These are the apps that I use that make me feel more productive and help me to think better
Here are few sites
Hope this helped!

Monday 19 September 2016

How to train your memory and make the most use of your brain in daily life

There are dozens of ways to give your brain a workout and make the most of your supercomputer! Read these 7 tips and see which ones can work best for you.
ONE. Write things down.
It sounds simple, right? Could be, but it impacts your brain in a big way. The act of writing has a chemical effect by increasing blood flow to areas of your brain responsible for your memories. This can be pretty easy to incorporate into your daily life. How? Come up with small ways to practice your writing skills. Start a journal, write letters to friends by hand, create a detailed plan for the week or month, or start your own blog. Writing on a regular basis can boost your memory and help you recall information when you need it.
TWO. Use music to your memory advantage.
There’s a lot of research that shows music is helpful in boosting long-term memory. It has a lot of other benefits for the brain: music increases brain plasticity, improves focus and even motivation, and protects against cognitive decline and memory loss. 
THREE. Use the teaching technique.
One of the most powerful memory techniques is recalling newly learned information by teaching it to someone else. The benefit? It helps you review, recall, and retain what you’ve learned in a much better way than just silently looking over the material. Here’s how to start:
  • Get an audience: it can be a close friend or family member. Too shy to speak to anyone? Pretend you have a couple of invisible students who really need to learn what you just covered!
  • Create a private classroom: take a large sheet of white paper (or tape together several sheets for a bigger writing surface), then tape it to your bedroom wall at eye level. Be sure you have some leg room to stand in front of it. Have a pen handy, and a thick black marker (or different colored highlighters) to underline important concepts.
  • Get to work: Write an outline of the most important points in the chapter you just covered, then go over the concepts aloud one by one. Make your “lecture” come alive by drawing diagrams on the side and by providing a few examples; add some humor or a short story to make it even more interesting. At the end, summarize what you thought to be key parts of the lecture and highlight these sections with your thick marker or highlighter. This helps you recall details better and solidify what you’ve learned.
FOUR. Build a memory palace.
A memory palace (the method of loci) is a memory-boosting technique that dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. It’s called a palace because it represents a place or series of places that you can create in your mind to store information that you need to remember. The benefit? Your brain remembers information better when it’s told in a story format, and a big part of this technique is telling the story of where the information is located. Here are a few resources to help explain the fundamentals:
FIVE. Visualize your progress.
This is a technique called building a mental model; you imagine in detail what you expect to read and learn. As you imagine the details, be sure to cover all the steps you will be covering. For example: if you are studying or learning something new, visualize covering a certain amount of material (chapters, paragraphs, sections), taking notes on the important concepts you discover, writing down questions to research later. The benefit? You train your brain to anticipate next steps and map out the entire learning process in a way that’s easier to understand.
SIX. Develop your critical thinking skills.
As you learn new things, it is important that you don’t just take everything you see, hear, and read for granted. Instead, you should focus on forming your own opinions and ask yourself why these things matter to you. Here’s how to exercise your critical thinking muscle:
  • Expose yourself to different points of view (f.ex., on world history, philosophy, politics, psychology, literature, spiritual practice, art, technology, etc.).
  • Ask questions to understand better: to make sure they’re really effective, don’t just ask questions that others can respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to; ask open-ended questions that begin with why and how.
  • Figure out what you can learn from it all: distill from all the information you gather what is important to you and your future self. Take into consideration your own personal goals, values, and priorities.
SEVEN. Boost memory with some exercise 4 hours after intense learning.
Exercise is important to boost memory, but it’s the actual timing of it that is key. Scientists found that people who exercised four hours after their study sessionretained the information better a few days later than those who exercised either immediately after studying or those who didn’t exercise at all. Brain scans from the study show that exercising with a delay affects the hippocampus, an area of the brain that is important for learning and memory.

Sunday 18 September 2016

How to work smart

Here’s one tip on working smarter:
Do your deep work (the work that requires the most concentration) EARLY.
How early is that?
Many scientists that study the circadian rhythm say that mental alertness for most people is at an all time high around mid-morning, which is around 2-4 hours after we wake up. If, for example, you wake up at 7, your brain’s peak performance time is between 9 and 11 a.m.
What kind of work should I focus on during this time?
You can block off this peak performance time to allow your analytical brain to concentrate on the most complex tasks: reading, comprehension, critical thinking, problem-solving, applying what you’ve learned, repeating and recalling new information.
What are the benefits of doing deep work early?
Doing your deep work early in the day allows your brain to focus fully on the problem at hand, with fewer distractions, less inputs from your environment, and with the energy that you've gained from a restful night. It's the exact opposite of what can happen if you leave your hardest work for nighttime, when you are exhausted from all the work you’ve done during the day.
How can I get into this habit?
  • For one week, keep a log of what you do during your peak times. Are you focusing on your important mental tasks? Are you learning new material, solving complex problems, reading, or writing? For most people, this time is usually spent commuting to work, checking email, making phone calls, watching or listening to the news.
  • Re-prioritize your peak brain performance time. Think of ways you could rearrange the things you do early that are less important to your personal and professional development. Like to stay on top of the latest news? Save this activity for your lunch break or right after lunch. Emails are waiting in your inbox? Be careful of how many times you spend checking email; it can waste a lot of time in your day. Choose 2 blocks of time to go over your emails, one mid-afternoon and one closer to the end of your workday. It's better to be proactive early (by doing your important work) and reactive later (responding to questions, providing input on discussions, etc.).
  • Create more space and time to your day by implementing a morning routine that can help you be productive. The benefit of a morning routine is that you jumpstart your day; you complete several tasks before moving on to work, school, or other responsibilities; you are more productive with your time; your day feels like it has more purpose; you feel more successful in what you do.
Curious to find out more about the circadian rhythm and how to use it so that you can work smarter instead or harder?
Here are two resources that provide additional details: