Tuesday 19 July 2016

How to start a Conversation with any girls fluently

It’s such a shame that most guys don’t realize that there are no “best” or “perfect” ways to start a conversation with a girl.
There’s no perfect way to approach and no perfect thing to say to start the conversation that will work on every girl, because they’re all different individuals with different wants, needs, likes and desires.
You have to understand that conversations and approaches are meant to be made up IN THE MOMENT!
If you go in with some canned phrase or “pick-up line” or any other silly thing, the girl will see that you’re not being genuine and that you’re using fake words that do not reflect your personality and who you really are.
I’ve approached THOUSANDS of girls and been on thousands of dates - and here’s how I did it:
I walk up to a girl I find attractive and say something close to the following that reflects what I’m thinking in that moment.
“Hello! I thought you looked really cute (sexy/smart/whatever else I noticed about her that I liked) so I wanted to meet you and find out who you were”
And that’s it - there’s nothing complicated about it. I saw the girl, thought she looked attractive to me, went up to her and said so.
Then I talk about whatever it is that’s on my mind and improvise - it’s called displaying your personality.
The point is just to start the conversation and then whether things will go well for you or not depend entirely on your personality, character traits and conversation skills.
The approach itself doesn’t matter and what you actually tell her initially doesn’t matter. Just for the sake of experimenting I went up to women saying stuff like:
“Hello, I like bananas. How are you?”
“Hello, my kitten had a bad hair day today. Isn’t the weather nice?” and many more silly or ridiculous things.
And you know what? It didn’t matter the least bit what my words were - it was all up to my attitude, execution and personality.
If you can have an interesting conversation that she’ll enjoy - it doesn’t matter how you start it.

So next time you see a girl and wonder “What should I say to her?” - just man the fuck up, walk up to her and say what’s on your mind - then improvise - rely on your personality.
Some girls will like it, some won’t. If more girls don’t like it than those who do - that’s a clear sign that you have to improve yourself.
The most important thing is to TAKE ACTION and START the conversation. The HOW is IRRELEVANT.
I had some of the most incredibly messy and hysterically brutal and awkward approaches become some of my most memorable dates and one night stands or relationships.
So don’t try to look for the perfect thing to say and to make a perfectly good impression, because if you’re a man who has a well-rounded personality and certain attractive character traits - you know that you will be able to deal with any conversation that comes your way!
Incidentally, here are the character traits I’m talking about: Character traits

Talking to girls becomes easy and more organic and the words will not matter when you become an action taker instead of being a passive person.
People should say whatever is on their mind, in their heart, on clear intuition and observation.
I wish more guys realized this: It should all happen in the moment, that's why there's never a "best" thing to say. It's all about improving yourself and developing your personality to such a level where everything that's coming out of your mouth is pure gold.
Once you're confident in yourself, just say whatever you want, because you'll have the guts and wit to follow through any reply.

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