Tuesday 12 July 2016

How to attract a woman

I see a lot of people who write about very superficial qualities that attract women.
What really attracts women on a deeper level is a man’s personality and certain character traits that he embodies.
Even though some women may find looks, money, status, intellect, fame, talent, success, good pedigree, fitness and so on attractive - neither of those things are a must when it comes to being successful with women. All these things are just bonuses, nothing more!
Here are the character traits that the vast majority of women find overwhelmingly attractive. Credit for a big part of this list goes to Reddit user RedPillDad:
1.Confidence - cocky to the point of brazen (versus meek uncertainty and insecurity).
2.Directness and Decisiveness - say what's on your mind and clarity about what you want (versus waffling and meekly tiptoeing around).
3.Dominance - command respect with social, intellectual, emotional and physical power (versus putting her on a pedestal and acting subservient).
4.Indifference - remain aloof, less reactive and not concerned about what others say and think (versus being an overly-attentive "try-hard").
5.Entitlement - feel unconstrained to take/demand what you want(versus feeling unworthy).
6.Exciting - take risks, seek adventure and lead a more interesting life (versus seeking comfort and security).
7.Freedom and Selfishness - rebel's attitude, say and do what you want, uninhibited and self-focused (versus conforming and attending to others)
8.Leadership - lead yourself/others to reach goals (versus passiveness and uninspired).
9.Masculine - exude a rugged, controlled mannerism (versus a soft, caring feminine energy).
10.Menacing - disagreeable, dangerous vibe (versus friendly and harmless)
11.Mysterious and Unpredictable - contrasting qualities that stimulate curiosity (versus boring and predictable).
12.Teasing - playfully disrespect her, intentionally ruffling her feathers (provoking her instead of trying to put her at ease).
13.Humor - Women will most often choose the man who made them laugh over the drop dead sexy one. Women want a guy who values what a good laugh can do for your body and soul. Women truly appreciate men who can make them laugh and laugh at themselves too.
14.Ambition - Women passionately respect guys who aim for the better things in life, who aren't stagnant and stuck in their comfort zone. Who have goals and strive to achieve something greater than mediocrity. The fact that you will work hard to get what you want and help those close to you do the same thing.
15.Self-Reliance - Knowing that you can deal with any problem that comes your way. Not running away from your problems.
16.Passion - Have you ever listened to someone speak passionately about something and you became totally unaware of what was going on around you, lost track of time, and became absorbed by their presence? Passionate guys drive women crazy, in a good way.
While there are some other minor traits, these are the main ones that women find irresistible.
So if a man wants to be successful with women - he has to work on developing these traits.
A guy who has developed many or all of these character traits will always be extremely attractive to women, no matter what else he has going on in his life.

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