Friday 2 September 2016

The best way to memorize or remember what you study/read

Try these 10 tips for improving your memory and remembering what you’ve studied.
Give your brain the benefit of a workout.
Doing physical exercise, even if it is targeted and short, can do wonders for your brain. Exercise improves your brain's cognitive performance, increases its problem solving ability, and even boosts long-term memory. The goal is to be consistent, so even a short 30 minute workout will energize you and prepare you for the day. Here are some examples of shorter workouts:

Feed your brain the right way.
  • Start your day with a balanced breakfast, for example with a combination of protein, fruits, and healthy fats (such as nuts): it can be oatmeal or yogurt with granola, fresh fruit, walnuts and almonds.
  • Have an egg! Eggs are a powerful mix of B vitamins (they help nerve cells to burn glucose), antioxidants (they protect neurons against damage), and omega-3 fatty acids (they keep nerve cells functioning at optimal speed).
  • Have walnuts as a snack: this powerful brain food improves cognitive function and boosts learning, and can even reduce memory loss. You need less than a handful for maximum effect.
  • Did you know that some excellent brain food includes sardines, beets, spinach, and lentils? Try to incorporate these and other foods into your daily meals to boost your brain power.

Use the memory palace technique.
What is a memory palace? Also known as 'the method of loci', a technique that dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, this mnemonic device represents a place or series of places you can create in your mind to store information that you need to remember. Here are some resources that might help:

Avoid checking email frequently.
This habit doesn't only keep you distracted; according to the Harvard Business Review it can lower your IQ by up to 10 points. Unless you're waiting for an email that will change the course of your life (and these are rare), leave checking your inbox for later in the day, instead of doing it first thing in the morning when your brain is well rested and can perform more complex problem-solving.

Write stuff down.
The act of writing has a chemical effect on your brain by increasing blood flow to areas of your brain responsible for your memories. How can you create a writing ritual? Start a journal, write letters to friends by hand, create a detailed plan for the week or month, or start your own blog. Writing regularly can boost your memory and help you recall information when you need it.

Use music to your memory advantage.
There’s a lot of research that shows music is helpful in boosting long-term memory. It has a lot of other benefits for the brain: music increases brain plasticity, improves focus and even motivation, and protects against cognitive decline and memory loss. Read this post for more details on how music can help you become smarter.

Take on the role of teacher.
One of the most powerful memory techniques that people often overlook is recalling newly learned information by teaching it to someone else, for example a friend, schoolmate, or family member. Create an outline of the most important points, then go over the concepts aloud with your friend one by one. Make your “lecture” come alive by providing a few examples; add some humor or a short story to make it even more interesting. Ask questions and encourage them to ask you for explanations. You will find that talking about the material out loud helps you solidify what you’ve learned and recall what’s most important.

Challenge your mind in a creative way.
Do crossword puzzles, put together a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle, learn chess, play cards, or read books. These activities keep your brain active and challenged, help delay memory loss, and promote learning new things every day.

Train your mind with meditation.
Meditating can declutter your brain of thoughts that distract you from the brilliant work you could be doing. This small practice doesn't require a lot of time, is simple to follow, and has many benefits, including better focus throughout the day, more concentration, improved ability to cope with the day’s events, and a greater sense of calm. Try the Headspace app to start with just 10 minutes; it's fun and easy to use.

Empower your brain with sleep.
What’s the big deal about sleeping? You don’t want to miss it. Chronic sleep deprivation can reduce your cognitive abilities, negatively impact your concentration, and can even reduce your IQ. Train your brain to wind down at the same time each evening to signal to your body that it's time to sleep, by (1) setting a bedtime alarm on your phone about 30 minutes before bedtime, and (2) following a simple nighttime routine that can help you unwind better.

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