Sunday 28 August 2016

Destroy Your enemies just by psychologically

Great Britain isn't called Great without a reason. At one point of time they ruled 90% of the world.
Infact, this Telegraph article says
Britain has invaded all but 22 countries in the world in its long and colorful history.
And it was extremely difficult for the countries to get independence. It took years of struggle and millions of lives to get freedom.
Every country which was ever colonized, by UK or anyone else, tried a common approach to gain freedom: Violence.
The countries would get oppressed, have a revolt or a mutiny. People would die, war would bring hunger, poverty and more death. In the end, after a painful struggle, probably the ruling county might give away the freedom. Yet it came at a great cost.
However, there was one man who did something different. He didn’t wanted to just get freedom, he wanted to make sure the enemy is destroyed at the core.
He did not follow the traditional approach. He took the road “never” traveled.
He did the unexpected. He did not attack the ruling country with swords or guns or bombs. He did the exact opposite.
He used non-violence. He used peace. He used truth.
Mahatma Gandhi destroyed the roots of enemy by destroying them psychologically. He set out the non-cooperation movement. He motivated half of India to follow him.
And there was nothing enemy could do to stop him. You can’t scare him, you can’t defeat him. He even said: If someone slaps you on one side of your face, turn the other one to him.
Destroy the enemy in a way they least expect. Do not be vulnerable.

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