Saturday 4 April 2015


In the digital age that we now live in it is, in many respects, safer to use a credit card online than it is to use it in the world at large.
That said, credit card fraud is still very much on the increase so you would do well to keep your wits about you.
If you believe you have already become a victim of credit card fraud then report it immediately, to the credit card issuer and to the police.
The sooner you act, the sooner action can take place to ensure that the situation doesn’t get any worse.
Also, report it to the credit agencies, such as Experian and Equifax, so that the fraudster cannot open any new accounts in your name should they have also been able to steal your identity.
10 Easy Methods To Avoid Credit Card Fraud

10 Easy Methods To Avoid Credit Card Fraud

Most are obvious but you would be surprised how many people are scammed by not doing these…
  1. Keep your credit card secure and never let anyone take it away from your direct line of sight
  2. Never give your credit card number, especially the 3 digit security number on the back, to anyone who calls or emails you
  3. Never enter credit card details into a website you don’t completely trust. You should check that the website address begins with https: and that there is a padlock symbol in your browser in order to know that you are dealing with a secure site.
  4. Always sign a new credit card the moment you receive it.
  5. Don’t make your PIN number your date of birth or 1234 – these numbers are easy to guess!
  6. Never write your PIN number down, especially if you intend to keep it in the same place as the card.
  7. When entering your PIN number at an ATM or similar, make sure no-one around has the opportunity to see the number.
  8. Check your credit card statement religiously to ensure there are no unknown transactions on it.
  9. Always shred any correspondence that has your credit card number or account details on it.
  10. If you move house then inform your credit card issuer of your new address straight away.

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